Tobias Maxime Visse (a.k.a. The Nobody Project)

I was born on December 24, 2006. I am a poet, writer, and a student in preparatory class (Hypokhâgne) in Caen. My goal is to become an actor, playwright, and director.

Passionate about: the grotesque, theater, history, literature, leprosy, cabaret, poetry, Arts, circus, clowns, mimes, the representation of violence, ridicule…

Inspired by Olivier Py, Jean-Luc Lagarce, Antonin Artaud, Michel Fau, Étienne Daho, Rimbaud, among others. Both in poetry and in theater (acting, directing, and writing).

This site aims to gather all ongoing or planned projects, including (non-exhaustive list):

“Amours Malades” (Sick Loves), a collection of homosexual poems about love and loss.

“Au Prix de mon Malheur” (At the Price of my Misfortune), a collection of poems published, edited, and illustrated by David Lemaresquier.

“Comme une Partie de Poker” (Like a Poker Game, or The Confessions) and “APOTEMNO” (Phantasmagorical Projections of an Amputation), two plays in progress.

Warning : “APOTEMNO” contains very raw and violent language, as well as extremely sexual content.

Enjoy your visit.

If the answers are helpful or if the questions are recurring, they will appear below this box.


What are you studying/have you studied?

In high school, I specialized in Visual Arts and Languages, Literature, and Foreign Culture, English. (With Geopolitics in the first year)

I am currently in literary preparatory class (CPGE) Hypokhâgne.

L'enfer enfin - Live Salle Pleyel 2008

Étienne Daho

What kind of music do you like?

I enjoy many different types of music, including rock, classical, opera, pop, metal, psychedelic, punk, etc. But my favorite musical artist is Étienne Daho.
